
How to Choose the Perfect Exterior Paint Colour for Your Home

How to Choose the Perfect Exterior Paint Colour for Your Home

Choosing the perfect paint colour for your exterior house painting service can be a challenging task. After all, this is what people see first when they visit or pass by your house. It’s about creating a great first impression, enhancing your home’s curb appeal, and expressing your personal style.

Here, we delve into some key considerations that can guide you through this important decision.

  1. Consider the Architectural Style and Era of Your Home

Every architectural style has colours that traditionally complement it. For example, a Victorian-style home might look best with more complex colour schemes, while a modern minimalist home might look best with a sleek, monochromatic look. Research the typical colour schemes for your home’s architectural style and era.

  1. Look at Your Permanent Materials

Consider the colours that already exist on your home’s exterior that you won’t be changing – like the roof, stonework, or any brick aspects. The colour you choose should complement these elements.

  1. Think About Your Landscape

Look at the nature surrounding your home. If you have a lot of greenery around, you might want a colour that blends in with nature rather than contrasting it. On the other hand, a beach house might look great with brighter, bolder colours.

  1. Take Your Neighbourhood Into Account

While you want your home to stand out, you also don’t want it to stick out like a sore thumb in your neighbourhood. Take a walk around and see what colour schemes your neighbours have chosen. This doesn’t mean you have to match their choices, but it can give you an idea of what might work for your home’s exterior.

  1. Consider the Climate

In hot climates, lighter colours will help reflect heat and keep your home cooler, while darker colours absorb and retain heat better, which can be beneficial in cooler climates.

  1. Use a Colour Visualizer

Many paint companies offer online tools where you can upload a photo of your home and virtually test different paint colours. This can be an excellent way to see how your home might look with various colour schemes.

  1. Think About the Mood You Want to Set

Colour has a significant impact on mood and perception. Do you want your home to be welcoming and cheerful? Consider warmer colours. Do you prefer a calm, serene environment? Cooler colours might be right for you.

  1. Don’t Forget About Trim and Accent Colours

The colour you choose for trim, shutters, or your front door can be just as important as the primary colour. You might choose a contrasting colour to make these features pop or a darker shade of your wall colour for a more monochromatic look.

Remember, choosing an exterior paint colour is a significant decision, but it can also be an enjoyable process that allows you to express your personal style. Take your time, explore your options, and don’t be afraid to seek professional advice.

At Fine Touch Painting Company, we’re here to guide you through the process and help you choose a colour scheme that brings out the best in your home.

Contact us today to find out more about our exterior painting services!


  1. Morton, J. (2017). Color matters for the home. Colorcom.
  2. Palmer, K. (2016). How to pick the right exterior paint colors. Southern Living.
  3. Sherwin-Williams. (2023). Exterior color selection tips. Sherwin-Williams.
  4. (2023). How to choose a front door paint color. Valspar Paint.
  5. Benjamin Moore. (2023). How to choose an exterior paint color. Benjamin Moore.

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